The CRE@CTIVE project will boost creativity as a key aspect to increase the economic opportunities for MSMEs by creating links and connections between the traditional sectors of Textile, Leather and Footwear and the modern creative industries (crafts, design, culture, etc.). The project aims to create 16 new business alliances and 24 direct long-term jobs and will create creative labs and hubs and an online platform. The CRE@CTIVE project boosts creativity and innovation to increase economic opportunities for MSMEs by creating links and connections between the traditional sectors and the modern design industries. Creative innovation, business alliances and economic growth will be the key points in the project visual identity development, either focusing on the project stakeholders and target groups. The project will be characterised by a fresh and innovative identity, young and recognizable and, at the same time, coherent with the significance and importance of the goals it aims to achieve.

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